May 31, 2005 9:48 pm

I went camping over the weekend with my husband and my in-laws, and hiked 3.5 miles on a mountain trail. Okay, not so much mileage, but I only got out of breath at the very end when my mom-in-law slowed down waaay too much and knocked me out of my "zone". I wasn't able to keep up my ground-eating uphill stride because I would have run right up her backside, and slowing down that much threw me off. :( But! It was very fun, and aside from wrenching my right leg about 10 minutes in on a tree root, relatively pain-free. My leg is still stiff and sore but I can't wait to go back again. :)

I'm hungry and I want jellybeans. I'd swear I'm pregnant except I know I'm not. Today at the grocery store I bought sweet pickles with horseradish, and now I want jellybeans. My poor tummy!

Still maintaining at 250. It's not going to go anywhere unless I can get myself adjusted to my own schedule enough to go to Curves. Le Sigh.

Hmmm... maybe the other gym first and THEN Curves, instead of the other way around? There's an idea.

dust dreams