I'm alliiiiiiiiivvvveeee!
March 03, 2005 8:26 am

I'm here, I'm here! And I'm still alive. :)

I'm actually not suffering from Internet withdrawals... yet. If I space my work correctly, I have time to check my email, read diaries, read comics and news, and chat with my best friend who (bless her) is usually up all hours of the night. Updating, on the other hand... well. Updates might start getting a little shorter, since I have to squeeze them in.

We're STILL not finished with the apartment. It's so frustrating. We're both wiped out when we get home from work, and weekends are our "sleep-banking" days. We've pretty much decided that this weekend will be the time to get it all done. Everything except my deck, that is. The deck has to wait for a few weeks, since the wood sealer needs to dry at temps over 50F, and it's been a bit on the snowy side here.

Fitness news:

Still maintaining at 254! I actually dropped to 250 for awhile, and even as low as 249, but that was the week I was ill and not eating, so it sounds strange but I'm glad the 5 pounds are back. It means I'm healthy again!

I also bit the bullet and joined Marn's five hundred miles to nowhere. I know it's March already but I wanted to wait to join until we were in the new place so that I would have access to the treadmill and the elliptical machine. They're fancy new ones, so they keep track of miles for you. It's very exciting. :) I've never been in a position to join fivehundred before and I can't wait to get started. My goal is twofold: 500 miles in 2005, and Curves 3x a week.

For the immediate future this means my Curves days are going to be Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays... Tues/Thurs is when J has class, and my mornings are open. So, since today is Thursday I'm going to pop down to one of the Curves in my area, the nice-looking one, and see if I can talk to the trainer. If I like them I'll switch over my account.

The walking I'll try and do every day, but I'm not going to hold myself to anything on that. Basically I want to go over anytime J is working out, and walk on the treadmill or the elliptical while he's busting his chops on the weight machines. I think it'll be a great addition to my Curves workout and should give me the extra "boost" I need to get the inches to start falling away.

I bought a new pair of jeans in size 22. I'd had to go back up into size 24s for awhile, which was a little frustrating since I actually have a pair of size 20s that were fitting me when I met J. Ah, the evilness of marriage and weight gain. I don't understand it but I curse it daily. ;)

And that's it for right now. I've got a few things to do before I leave work, and then it's off to Curves and birthday shopping for J. He turns 32 next Wednesday!

dust dreams