January 28, 2005 6:22 am

I am counting down the days until February 7th. We won't be fully moved into the new place until the weekend of the 20th, when J's parents will be here with the Uhaul to get our furniture. But I still CANNOT WAIT to move.

New place has a gym where hubby will work out. New place has a treadmill where I can walk miles and miles while watching the scenery (ie hubby working out). New place has fresh air and no diesel trains 20 yards away. New place has big rooms and high ceilings and a fireplace and a big ol' living room to do yoga in. New place has a doctor who doesn't disgust me and a Curves that isn't evil. New place is in a nice area of town that isn't scary, noisy, smelly, or old. New place is five miles from the farmer's market full of fresh veggies. New place is two miles from the river and walking paths.


The forecast for this weekend is for snow, freezing rain, and sleet. We're heading out later this morning to get some bins & some groceries, and then we're going to spend the weekend holed up, packing until we collapse.

I want to move. I want to be in a place where I can start exercising without causing myself physical harm from breathing in poisonous smog. I want to be in a place where I can have space to move around without stepping on boxes or kicking a wall or stubbing my toes on a piece of furniture.

I've been maintaining my weight but I can't lose any of it until I add exercise into the equation, dammit. I want to MOVE to my NEW HOUSE so that I can DAMN WELL EXERCISE.

Me, have cabin fever? I have no idea what you're talking about.

Oh! And here's a pic of J and I, taken at our office Christmas party. The weird thing next to J's head is the ornament I made for the ornament contest... I won first prize, of course. ;)

dust dreams