More WW spazzing
January 31, 2005 5:56 am

So the ice-storm came and went. I was really surprised by how pretty it was-- everything was covered in a layer of ice, even leaves and tree branches and flowers. It was like living inside of a crystal for two days.

It's exactly one week now until we get the keys to the new place! J spent all weekend packing, since we were trapped in the apartment by the storm. I'd like to say I helped, but I was walloped by the flu and spent most of weekend either asleep or wandering around in a confused daze. I thought I might have to call into work sick tonight, but the loads of sleep, Nyquil, and vitamin C seem to have done a fair number on the evil bug. I do wish I'd brought some Dayquil with me, though.

I haven't said it before, but I'll say it now: I'm still a little disappointed that I can't go onto WeightWatchers. That was part of my bargain with J, that $100 of my montly pay would go towards Curves AND a membership in WW. But now because we'll be spending a little more on rent each month than we'd planned (we figured a $200 jump in rent, and the new place is a $250 jump), I can't do both anymore.

I know for a fact that I can't lose weight without exercising. And while the new place does have a gym with a treadmill I can use, walking isn't going to be enough for me. I want the resistance-training aspect of Curves as well as the cardio, to tone my skin and muscles as I lose weight. So Curves has to stay.

Keeping Curves, though, means I can't do Weight Watchers... and that's frustrating, because I need help in the calorie-management and meal planning areas. I can try and do it on my own, but having the system and the support of WW would just make it so much better for me.

I don't know. I don't see how $50 can make that much of a difference either way. It's not like we're living paycheck to paycheck... we're actually dropping $600 to $800 a month into debt repayment and savings, PLUS $50 for each of us to spend on clothes or gifts or anything else we need in a month that's not budgeted into household expenses. I really think we can afford WW for me, even if it means paying just a little bit less into savings.

Having said all that... I'm going to try it his way for a couple months before I say anything, though. I'm going to be fair about this.

I'll plan our meals and include the low-cholesterol, low-sodium, high-fiber foods we need to have. J's got a bad family history of cardiovascular disease (paternal grandfather had a stroke at 47, and father had a major heart attack that led to a quadruple bypass at age 58), and even though my cholesterol & blood pressure are normal... it'll be good for both of us to eat healthy.

I'll exercise on the treadmill AND do my Curves at least three times a week. It won't be fair to say "this isn't working" to J if I'm not putting in 100% effort first.

Then, if I'm still not losing weight or if I'm not losing weight at a good enough pace... we'll talk about the Weight Watchers thing again, and I'll ask him to put it back into the budget.

Writing in this diary is really good for me. At the beginning of my WW rant, I was all prepared to go to J and say "Hey now, this isn't fair." But having written it all out, I now realize that my demanding to go on WW wouldn't be fair.

I need to try it J's way first, and try hard. Then if it doesn't work, I can go to him and say, "This is what I've done, and now this is what I need," and he'll fix it.

I feel wonderful, knowing that I have that option, and such a supportive husband.

dust dreams