September 30, 2004 6:24 pm

Well that was an interesting day.

It didn't start off well... since I wasn't sleeping well, I woke up with a migraine just starting, but woke up too late to take any medication or eat anything. Bugger. Into the shower I hopped, barely remembering that I wasn't allowed to use any lotions or potions. (NO moisturizer. After a shower in Atlanta water. Ewww.) I wore my purple t-shirt with fearless emblazoned across the breasts in an attempt to give myself an ego boost, and my hoochie-mama jeans that make my legs look skinny and long. Supergirl shoes and rainbow barrettes completed the "I'm just a KID, please oh please don't tell me anything BAD" look (heh) and off I went.

Hubby couldn't go back with me, of course, since it was a mammography lab. But the girl I had was sweet, and talked to me the entire time. Bottom line: they don't know what it IS, but they THINK it's not cancerous. It's not a cyst, it's not a fibroadenoma, it's not a tumor. It's also not there. The thing is, you can SEE it, so the tech would put the wand directly over it, but nothing showed up. She went to get the doctor so that we could be completely sure, but he didn't see anything either.

So now I still have to keep my appointment with the surgeon, because they can see it, but they don't know what it is, and he might be able to diagnose it. It's not my birth control, since I switched medications a month after I noticed the bubble. It's not a blocked duct or gland. It's just there.

But a very, very good chance it's not cancerous. Hurrah for me! I called my mom immediately, then my brother, and they were awesome. My brother had actually called before my appointment to see how I was, and when I talked to my mom she wouldn't let me get off the phone until I told her how I was "really feeling". Thank goodness for families who see through the happy faces we paste on.

So now I'm waiting for October the 8th, which is my surgery appointment. We'll see how it goes.

dust dreams