Much excitement!!
August 12, 2004 11:01 am

I only have time for a quick entry. I just dragged the hubby out of bed and nagged him into driving me to the gym. Luckily Curves is right next to Barnes and Noble, so he can sit in there and marinate while I work out. Curves is also next to Linens and Things, and like ElishaWW I want a weight-watcher's scale! And then maybe, maybe after we are done he will buy me Starbucks. Mmm. White Chocolate Mocha, venti, with whipped cream and an extra shot of espresso. Mmmm.

What? What's that you say? You say "Calories! think of the calories!"??? Pish posh! Coffee has NO calories, didn't you know? The immense amount of caffeine burns them all off! Silly people.

AHAHAHAHAHA Curves and scales HOORAY! And I am going to put that evil damn scale in the kitchen RIGHT next to the fridge where I can get on it EVERY time I want a snack.

I am going to get measured today, too. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeek.

Okay I'm done now, swear. And no I haven't had any coffee yet; I am normally this insane. Actually I'm just excited that I get to work out and buy a scale! w00t!

dust dreams