July 26, 2004 4:59 am

The placebo-week cravings of sodium and fat kicked in with a vengeance this weekend, oh my god. I had a sick kitten the end of the week, and by Friday night I was too exhausted to cook. We ordered pizza. I feel awful, not emotionally (emotionally I am all "whoo! pizza!" heh), but physically. That stuff is POISONOUS, I swear!

My body feels sluggish and not at all energized like it does when I eat veggies veggies veggies. My guts have been working overtime. I feel like I need to be detoxified. Tomorrow I am going to drink a gallon of water and do just that.

Hubby bought me chocolate, remembering that I usually crave it this time of the month. Dove Dark Chocolate Promises. I adore that man. But really I haven't craved it at all... the bag is still setting unopened in my top dresser drawer.

Tomorrow I'm going out to see if I can find exercise pants. It occurred to me last night that the clothes I used to wear to Curves (oversized cotton pants mostly) were all tossed in the Great Purge right before I moved. I literally cut my clothing down to what fits... which is five dresser drawers' worth of underoos, pajamas, lingerie, and t-shirts for working out... plus six blouses, three pairs of jeans, one pair of grey slacks, two dresses, and two skirts.


Now, it's not that I don't have a ton of clothes... in fact, my mother is saving three huge rubbermaid bins full of her clothes for me back at the house. (Luckily, I have a mom with great fashion taste who favors classic lines... something I happen to do, too!) However... they are all size large or smaller (in tops at least) and the pants are size 12 at the biggest. My mom has absolutely no hips, and I am... uh... well let's say I have a body built for child-bearing. :D So I have quite a ways to go until I can fit into those clothes.

So anyway, yes... I cannot go to Curves naked, nor can I go in the one pair of shorts that I own, since they are really only good for lounging around the apartment. Tomorrow I shop, and then I work out.

dust dreams