Weight is UP but that's okay too! It shall be going DOWN!
July 22, 2004 6:45 am

I got on the scale at the doctor's office today and almost died. 242! Holy shit! I was so upset, even though I tried not to show it. But then the doctor clued me in, and I felt really stupid. Heh.

Him: "Don't forget, birth control can cause weight gain, up to 20 lbs."

Me: "Well, I started birth control in Mar-- ohh."

My lowest weight was 228, back in March, just before I went back on the pill. So I've gained back 14 pounds, which is admittedly less than the 20 pounds that usually accompanies the first three months of birth control. But still, that's 14 pounds I have to lose AGAIN, dammit!

I have to say though, my local Curves is just gorgeous. A huge room, very bright and airy, painted a soft aqua with a lot of bright colors and fun, distracting things to look at. The girls there are super sweet, and young. I loved my Curves back home, but all the trainers were 40+, and it was a bit like having six different mothers. The only young trainer was routed out by the older population, something that annoyed me to no end. Ah well, this one seems great-- but I haven't been able to try the machines yet. My period started! Monday will have to be my first day back, since we're going away this weekend.

(I know you're supposed to exercise during your period to combat cramps, but since I'm on the pill my cramps aren't all that bad... and besides, it's just icky. no way!)

Transferring my existing membership was amazingly easy... well, easy now that I have an ID to prove I am who I say I am. :D (I had to finally get my driver's license by calling the appointment line and bitching them out... my "month in advance" appointment was moved to the next day. Rawr!) I went in, told the girl I had an exisiting membership that I needed to transfer to this location, filled out three pieces of paper, and she was on the phone to my previous Curves as soon as I was finished. Done!

I'm excited... SO EXCITED. I want to get started again.

And I would just like to say that it's very cool to be able to go see a doctor and answer all of his weight-related questions with "yes".

Are you taking a multi-vitamin with folic acid? "yes!"

Are you taking at least 800mg in supplemental calcium? "Yes!"

Are you on an exercise program? "Yes!"

Have you already lost weight? "Yes!"

He was extremely pleased with me. Not only did I bring my medical records with me, which is a huge timesaver for him, but as he said, "You're already heading very strongly in the direction you need to go." Woohoo! I am healthy, hear me roar.

Cuurrrrrves soon. Curves my love, my precioussss. And since I'm still jobless, I have no excuse to not go 6 days a week, heh. I might just do five, though, since Saturdays are our run-around-like-crazy days.

Hurrah for me!

dust dreams