Laying Down the Law
July 13, 2004 1:52 am

I didn't get my driver's license. I don't even want to talk about it, but let's just say that Georgia doesn't do first-come, first-serve. I spent two days waiting till closing, the second day for six hours. It seems that every other driver's license service has priority over out-of-state transfers, because they served more than 300 people and didn't get to me.

I am beyond pissed by this. I am going to Curves tomorrow, driver's license or not, because my guestpass is only good until the 15th and my contract expires on the 26th and I need to transfer it over before it dies. GRRR!

I should be writing thank-you notes. Hell, I should be writing wedding announcements. We ran out of time before the wedding.

I am reading y'all's diaries, and feeling more and more left behind. Slushie and Dieting Jenn have made it into Onederland, while I have gained. I'm not frustrated or put down, I'm just annoyed. Annoyed at myself for not getting on a schedule, annoyed at letting my eating habits slide, annoyed at being annoyed!

On the plus side I have started back on the healthy track I left. At the store yesterday I bought a bottle of one-a-day vitamins for women, as well as those candy-like calcium chews. My body has not been reacting to the sudden return of calcium all that well... I am peeing all the time, it seems like! It was enough to make me suddenly wonder if I had given myself diabetes, but I don't have any other symptoms. Just too many minerals.

It's just far too easy to slide into my husband's schedule. I want to spend time with him... we are married, but we are still in that shiny-new stage of love where we don't like being further than 10 feet apart at any given moment. So he works at night, and I stay up and write or cruise the Internet. When he comes home in the mornings, I'm tired from staying up all night so I curl up in bed with him... and next thing I know it's 3pm and the day has been slept away. Then since he's awake I feel bad about leaving him to go do things I need to do (like jobhunt, or work out at Curves).

It would make so much more sense if I would sleep at night, maybe cuddle with him for awhile when he gets home, but then get out and get my stuff done away from the apartment while he's asleep and oblivious. Then when he wakes up, I'm home, and yet I've still accomplished something with my day other than accumulating sleepy-dirt in my eyes.

I just have to knuckle down and start doing it, you know? I will not lose this weight by eating horribly, sleeping, or sitting on my butt typing into a void. I need to eat healthy again. I need to get into a workout schedule again. I have been far too complacent, far too content to exist in a sort of nothingness that consumes my hours and my life.

I think my weight is around 235 right now. I can't confirm because I've not been to a doctor, but that seems right. My jeans feel tight, but I don't know if that's because I've gained or because my husband shrank them in his 90 year old dryer from hell.

Anyway, I'm going to start over "new" once I join the Curves here. My measurements and weight at that time will be my zero point. I'll still keep the old progress chart, but I'll start a new one. It just doesn't make sense to do otherwise; I will be dealing with a different scale and a different person taking my inches.

I've told Jay that I will allow no more soda in this house. He only drinks diet, which is better than drinking regular soda, but I drink far too much of it since I've met him. The best way to end that is to get rid of it. Instead I'll be making my own sun tea on the porch, and I'll buy Crystal Light to keep in the fridge. We already have filtered water.

Restaurants and "eating out" will be limited to a maximum of two meals a week. That includes the food court at the mall, getting an ice cream at Bruester's, and sub sandwiches from Publix. I am laying down the law, and I am not budging.

Snacks are out unless they're at least 70% vegetable or fruit. Saltines are going out the door. Triscuits and Wheat Thins, J's particular favorites, are also disappearing. He can keep his boxes of them at work, but they won't be found here.

I won't go no-carb, but I will reduce my intake of processed white flour and increase my intake of coarse-ground and wheat flours. Pasta will remain a side-dish, not an entree. Protein will become more prevalent... the hubby needs more of that, himself.

Not only am I back on the wagon-- I am holding the reins. Rawr!

dust dreams