July 09, 2004 1:15 am

Well I think I survived my first trip to my in-law's mostly intact. :) The drive wasn't bad, around seven hours each way, and I think the hardest part was driving an extra five hours to Maryland because the family decided they wanted to converge in DC! Oh, the traffic. Good thing I wasn't driving, or we'd all be mixing DNA in a greasy smear by the side of the road.

I have been a very lazy wife and have not grocery shopped at all this week. Jay and I have been living on what we can scrounge in the apartment (tonight's dinner was Lean Cuisine chicken and mushrooms, for example). Well okay I can't say I'm lazy, but the trip exhausted me, plus Dad smokes cigarettes... ew, nasty! Being around smoke for 4 days didn't help me any, I'm sure.

Today I tried to get my driver's license, and sat in the DSMV until they closed, waiting for my turn in line. I need an ID that has my married name on it before I can go to Curves, since my information all has my married name (including my bank account... agh! I was too efficient!). Tomorrow morning we will try again, first thing. I can only hope they don't shove me onto the back burner again... it's kind of hard to explain, but the DSMV is not simply take-a-number here. You have a letter on your ticket that denotes the kind of service you need (mine was F, for out of state transfer), and certain letters like A or B (renewals and simple changes/replacements) have higher priority. So in the hours and hours that we were there, they only serviced 4 F tickets, and none of them were mine. Typical!!!

On the to-do list for tomorrow:

  1. DSMV: get driver's license
  2. Register to vote
  3. Set up a cellphone
  4. Check for another kittybowl set at petsmart
  5. Go to Target to get shoe cubby, S-cable, shower curtain, bathroom cabinet, and dresser parts
  6. Grocery shopping
  7. Emissions testing on Sunfire
  8. Go to Curves to transfer membership

Ugh, what a full day. And I think I will have to do most of it alone, since my husband hasn't slept in about three days (he works nights and we have been doing a lot during the days), and all he NEEDS to do is be my proof of residency at the DSMV and update his address on his license.

On the plus side, today I rediscovered the wonder of ice water with lime slices. And yesterday I rediscovered skim milk. My body is thanking me profusely for giving it HEALTHY beverages... Jay only drinks diet soda. Only. Das ist alles. Yikes!

dust dreams