Monthly Bloat From Hell..... AGAIN!
December 06, 2003 7:46 am

The combination of Thanksgiving and T.O.M. is never a good idea. Never ever!

Do you remember my pair of size 20s? Well the day after Thanksgiving, my body started craving sodium. Tons of sodium. I was putting way too much salt on my food without even realizing it -- and on Monday those size 20s not only didn't fit, the zippers were five inches apart! AHHHH!

Yes, the Monthly Bloat From Hell made its evil appearance. I gained six pounds in a week and I felt like I was pregnant because my belly stuck out so far. But fortunately I was weighed and measured BEFORE this happened, whew. I would've killed someone if I had to post a gain because of T.O.M.

I can't type much more because I have another evil Saturday class to attend. This one is only nine hours, fortunately. And it will finish off my state-required Child Developmental Services certification for my job. (As a trivia note, I am now certified enough to open my own daycare center! w00t! Not that I would want to, but still.)

I am going to go to class and think happy thoughts. I am not going to focus on the fat, salt, and chocolate-laden week I have had. I am going to think happy thoughts...

I feel skinny, oh so skinny, I feel skinny and pretty and fine...

Oh, and check out my layout! I did have a wintery one up for a little while, but this Tinkerbell layout by Princess Designs is just too damn perfect. I adore Tink, because she's a bitch. And she's what I'm going to look like, too -- tiny waist, small boobs, and a big fat butt. ;)

Have a good Saturday!

dust dreams