Bitch bitch bitch!
December 16, 2003 1:16 pm

I know, I haven't updated in 10 days. I suck.

Actually, I've started about twenty entries in the last few days, but I've never posted any of them. They were too whiny, mostly. I've not been feeling like myself lately and it's irritating me.

But anyway! On to more important things, like the fact that I went to the gym ONCE last week (oops) and then went yesterday and almost killed myself by falling off the oblique machine. See, going to the gym is BAD for your health- don't listen to those experts.

Have I ever mentioned that I'm frustrated with my body shape? Like, extremely frustrated to the point of dousing entire department stores with gasoline and lighting a match? I am a size XL (14/16) on top and a size 2X (22/24) on bottom. Except, I'm not really a 2X on the bottom- my thighs are more like a size 1X (18/20). It's my ass that's the problem. And the spare tire around my middle is lifting, which is adding more inches to the issue.

I have no pants that fit me. None. If they fit my thighs and my waist, they don't fit my abdomen/ass area. If they fit my abdomen/ass, they're burlap-sack city on my waist and thighs.


But I am still losing. I need to keep that in my head. I'm losing weight. It's coming off.

But if I have to shop in the Polkadot-and-Applique section of Belk for pants much longer, I'm going to go pyro. I swear to god.

dust dreams