I don't have a subject because I'm LATE!
November 13, 2003 7:27 am

So I was messing with the calculator today, and I inputed my current weight (236) and subtracted my goal weight (118). And because I am not a math genius, it took me three repetitions before I realized that my calculator was NOT broken or stuck on the number 118. I really only have 118 pounds to go!

Sitting and staring at the numbers, I realized two things. First, I need to lose an entire person to get down to my ideal weight. Weird. And second, I only have 19 lbs to go until I'm in the double-digits (ie, 99 lbs to lose)!

Since I've been losing about six pounds a month, that's still 3 months or so away - but you know, I don't care. I might step it up a bit, and start doing Tae Bo in the mornings, but I've been saying that I "might" do that for HOW long? Hehe, yeah.

I'm still looking at being at my goal weight by my 24th birthday, or Christmas 2004. That's awesome.

I always thought losing weight was hard. I can't tell you guys the number of times I went on a diet, lost a few pounds (or none at all), and stopped because the weight wasn't coming off fast enough or consistently enough. I used to do it in secret, going on diets, exercising in secret because I thought people would laugh at me.

And strange as it sounds, it's true. How many times has someone seen a large woman or man going into the gym and said to themself (or to the fat person, heaven forbid), "Who are you trying to kid?" It happens a lot. A lot.

Exercising at Curves has made all the difference. It's easy, it's fun, and it's taking the weight off.

In other news, I have some pics I can post that will be my official "before" pictures. They were taken only a week after I joined Curves, so when I reach my -50lb mark, I'll take a couple more. Not that I will look much different, I'm afraid -- I've had three different people tell me that they can't tell I've lost almost 40 lbs. D'oh!!!

The curse of being very short and very fat, I guess. :P Oh well, I can tell!

dust dreams