Still have a big butt!
November 10, 2003 11:33 am

I spent most of my morning class dreaming about stopping in the coffee bar in the Business building and getting a huge jolt of caffeine. I didn't realize until five minutes before class ended that I had left my purse (and my debit card) on the front seat of my car and am therefore broke. Then I spent the last five minutes debating whether or not the caffeine jolt would be worth the 18-minute roundtrip walk out to the car and back again. My innate laziness won out and here I sit, droopy and without caffeine.

Bah, humbug.

A guy sitting at the computer across from me is wearing a t-shirt that reads GRABERBOOTIE & PINCH, since 1969. Heh heh heh.

I still want that caffeine. Starbucks on the way to work, methinks.

I'm knocking on wood here, but I think I'm finally over being sick! Tomorrow night it's back to the gym with a vengeance, because I want to see the numbers drop to the low 230's by next weigh-in. And I'm going to start doing my Tae-Bo tapes... really!

I have a sudden urge to buy shoes, and I don't know why.

dust dreams