November 03, 2003 11:02 am

When I started this diary, I was a size 22/24 in both tops and bottoms. That's a 2X top, and a 2X or sometimes 3X bottom, right?

Well I would like to announce that I am officially in a size 16/18 (XL) top! Every top I buy now is XL, they fit sooo much nicer than the 1Xs. :) BUT... and there is a big BUT here, namely MINE! My ass is still a size 22/24!!!

How the HELL did that happen? Help!

I noticed it at Curves, when we did my weighing and measuring - I lost an inch and a half off my waist, two inches off my abdomen, but only HALF AN INCH off my thighs and A QUARTER OF AN INCH off my hips! How is this possible?!

I'm wearing teeny tops and big fat bottoms. I have three pairs of size 20 pants and a pair of size 18s that are just WAITING for my ass to catch up with the rest of me, but it's not happening!

It sucks, but you know, it's really kind of funny, too. Only I would have an ass that's four sizes bigger than my bust.

Curves is running a doodad this month, to help people lose weight through the holidays. They're going to do measurements and weighing again on the 3-5th of November, and whoever loses the most inches/pounds between now and Dec 5th wins some sort of prize. I signed up, because I like to torture myself, but I'm hoping they'll just use my weight and measurements from last week. 'Cause, like, all that Halloween candy and the cookies and rice krispy treats my kids made for me? They've taken up residence, if you know what I mean.

AND it's getting close to TOM again. Yargh.

Did I mention that I had an ear infection? Well, it spread into my lymphatic system. And then into my renal system. And now it's in my throat, haha! I'm a walking bundle of joy at that gym, let me tell you.

dust dreams