Blah blah blah
October 12, 2003 9:37 pm

I want so bad to weigh myself. SO BAD. But I have 12 days left until my weigh-day. I don't know if I can wait that long!

I have had incredible chocolate cravings lately, so today I gave in. I bought chocolate instant breakfast shakes that I can drink for the next couple weeks, as well as some boxes of fat-free instant pudding mix that will hopefully satisfy some of the cravings. And I had two Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Mmm, heaven.

Want to weigh. Want want want. I'm going into weigh-day withdrawal.

Today I was bored so I picked up a bunch of clothes to try on... frustratingly, 22s are a little too big and 20s are too small. And I'll say it now and mean it: hipster pants are NOT MEANT for fat women. I had to go all the way to a size 24 just to get a pair that would fit me, and then I looked like crap. So when I'm slim and toned and don't have all this fat floating around my midsection, yes I will look hot in a pair of hipster jeans. But right now? Ewww. Just ewww.

And I saw the cutest pair of Tinkerbell pajamas. I want. Want want want. But it's silly to buy them when I know they won't fit after a couple months. I'm almost tempted to go back and buy a size M or S, heh heh. Because they WILL fit me. Just not right now.

dust dreams