You're so VAIN
September 21, 2003 9:17 am

I think I might have to change my weigh/measure days at Curves, because they land on the 26th, which is more often my T.O.M. Or close to it. And (with the exception of dough-boy who is a man!) we all know the horrible, icky feelings of bloating before/during T.O.M.

My weight has been crazily up and down this week, also due to the fact that I didn't exercise until Thursday, and then I did three days in a row. I would much rather do four days spread throughout the week, but my schedule right now is prohibiting it. I somehow feel as if I'm not getting the same effect when my workouts aren't spaced nicely. So that's just going to have to change, somehow.

At any rate, when I weighed on Thursday night it said 244. Which was a 1.5 lb drop! But Friday morning (since yesterday I was out of town) it said 246.5. I really doubt I could have gained 2.5lbs of fat in less than 12 hours. Which leads me to conclude that it's 2.5lbs of water-weight. Which sucks.

So no weight entry this week, since I can't be certain what it really is. And I doubt I will weigh and measure on the 26th if I'm still bloated! Yes, I am that vain. :)

dust dreams