Two more gone!
June 29, 2003 12:44 pm

I am down to 258, hooray! Actually on Friday my scale said 257, but since it doesn't show decimals, I'm thinking I was very close to 258. A two pound loss is GREAT! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I will be down to 200 or (maybe) into the 190s by New Year's Eve, and that would be very exciting.

Moreover, I'm just proud of myself for being in the 250s. I've been stuck in the 260s for a long time, and it's nice to see those numbers go away.

Unfortunately I think I ruined my week of hard work already. ;) Friday night I went out for fish and chips with some friends, and yesterday I had some of that Orville Redenbacher "Ultimate Butter" popcorn. And today... today my sin was tomato soup with bread and butter.

I'll do the WIW and Progress Prompts questions later, but right now I need to get dressed.

dust dreams