Watching the numbers go down
June 25, 2003 11:11 am

I'm so excited, I've lost another pound! I'm down to 259, but my weigh-in day isn't until Friday. I'm going to work extra hard at keeping that pound off so that I can record it in here. :) Maybe I'll lose another one!

It's so hard, living by myself, to eat sensibly. Especially when the "lunches" at work are pretty much garbage. By the time I get home I'm extremely hungry, and so I'll fix and eat the easiest/quickest thing in the pantry. Or I'll grab something already made, like the cookies I keep for special occasions and "treat myself" days. It's terrible. I need to make more of an effort.

I just love seeing those numbers drop. I've read site after site that says focusing on the numbers is bad for you, it'll only make you feel worse about yourself, you shouldn't be so obsessed, blah blah. But I think it really depends on the person who is losing the weight, don't you? It seems to me that only somebody who is ashamed of their numbers will be controlled by their numbers.

Like, a person who weighs 261 and is ashamed of it, will feel good about losing a pound and weighing 260. But they'll still feel ashamed that they weigh 260. So they'll obsess and get upset, and if the scale creeps back up to 261, they'll feel frustrated and even more ashamed. So for THAT person, weekly weighing is probably not a good idea, and focusing on the numbers won't help at all.

I am not like that at all. So it really bothers me when I'm told by others not to weigh myself, that the numbers are BAD and will only depress me or make me obsessed. People are not made from molds, and neither are brains! I am not ashamed of my weight. It honestly doesn't bother me to weigh what I do. Being fat doesn't stop me from being in relationships, having a job, being successful, or feeling good about myself. I am in this weightloss program because I choose to be, because I want to make my body better and healthier, because it's a challenge and I want to see the numbers go down.

Another great thing, besides having lost three pounds, is that a friend of mine that is overweight but whom I've always thought of as being skinny-looking (compared to me) weighs 210! That makes me feel immensely better, I guess because 210 isn't so very far away from 259, and I'll look as good as she does. :) Of course, her body is built differently than mine (I am all hips, she is mostly in her tummy, and she is also about 5 inches taller than me), so we won't look exactly alike, but it's still inspiration.

Well that's it for right now. My stumbling block is still water... I need to drink more.

dust dreams