So, hi
April 20, 2005 4:53 am

It's PMS week on the new pill and BOY am I PMSing! I eviscerated a few freshmen earlier tonight and I can still taste the blood. Okay, so I only mortally wounded them.

But, I have had cravings for cookies. Oooey gooey chocolate chip cookies warm from the oven that melt in my mouth (I have my own sekrit recipe) and put me in a sugar coma. Funny thing about my cravings is once I eat a couple cookies, I'm done. Fortunately I have a whole bunch of coworkers to inflict the rest of the cookies on. :D

Curves tomorrow. I'm going to start keeping a chart. I think I'm only going to use that weigh-in to track, as well.

I'm tired and my brain isn't really here. I just thought I'd say hi.

dust dreams