April 17, 2005 1:43 pm

Would you guys still love me if I moved to my own webspace? Really truly? Because I don't want to shell out more $$$ to Andrew for another year of ugh-tastic service. I'm still ticked that all my images are gone. "Re-generated" my size 24 ass!


Jay's dangly parts are a-okay. He's got two hydroceles and a varicocele, which means we may have problems making babies, but the important part is that they're BENIGN. Yay! I did, however, notice that my beloved, squishy husband is getting a little TOO squishy. It's back to the gym for both of us.

Ooooh, and I have IBS. Hah! I'm excited by this. Okay, not excited because I have something ELSE wrong with my gastrointestinal system (I also have diverticulosis), but excited because now I know what in the hell is wrong with me that I get sick after eating steak, alfredo sauce, eggs, or anything creamy, fatty, or high in calories. It's all controlled by DIET. And the diet is largely soluble fiber foods, like white rice and white grain breads.

Lots o' carbs, except there's a shitload of things I can't eat anymore (unless I want to make myself sick), such as: all fast food, anything involving cream, cheese, or whole milk, fried foods, red meat, sausages, whole grain breads, brown rice, etc.

So: lots of fresh veggies and rice and pasta for meeee! I'm excited. Jay is, too. We're gonna be SKINNY PEOPLE, I tell you.

Tomorrow is Monday, so back to Curves for me! After all, I have a goal: I need to get down to at least where I was before I got married (228) by the time I see Jay's family at a reunion in July. There's a pair of jeans in my closet in size 20 with my name on them.

dust dreams