I suck but I'm a good cook
September 26, 2004 10:14 pm

I haven't been going to Curves. What is wrong with me?? Okay, the week before last was TOM and I never go to the gym when I'm bleeding (eww), but last week was perfectly fine. I just didn't want to go. I suck.

Maybe it's the changing seasons that are getting to me. It gets dark so much earlier here than it ever did at home, and I feel like my day comes to an end when the sun goes down. Not true, of course, but it still feels that way.

At least the hubby and I have been eating healthily. I spent our entire grocery budget today on one long grocery run-- a trip to the farmer's market, Sam's Club, and Publix. We bought enough fresh vegetables to fill the crisper and the bottom shelf of the fridge at the farmer's market, and we spent $49 on meat at Sam's. But so much meat! Two round roasts of beef, two pounds of shrimp, and a veritable ton of mahi mahi and atlantic salmon. Publix was our stop for the weekly goods, like eggs and milk and bread. But all $120, poof.

My dinner ideas for the next little while:

Obviously some meals will last us a couple days. We need to talk though about eating schedules-- I tend to cook the larger meal in the afternoon, but J will want to eat the leftovers again that night for dinner instead of leaving them for the next day. I need him to agree to eat a lunch meal as well, maybe just sandwiches or a cup of soup or some bread and cheese, so that we stretch our meals out a little bit longer.

I'm making the ham and bean soup tomorrow. It usually makes quite a bit of soup, so we should have enough to last us for a LONG time. ;)

Tonight we just had tabouleh salad wrapped in lettuce leaves, fruit, and cottage cheese. Simple and light, and thankfully not requiring any cooking-- just a little chopping of vegetables.

I still don't have a job. I'm hoping I'll get a call-back this week, but if I don't... urgh. I want to join Weight Watchers. Maybe I'll just do the online membership? I wouldn't go to meetings anyway, and doesn't the online still let you track points? I'ma go look.

I'll go to Curves this week, too. Promise. Oh... breast ultrasound on Thursday. So maybe not that day. But every other day, okay?

dust dreams