Crazy medical day
September 16, 2004 2:16 am

So a few things health-related happened today.

First, I went to the doctor for an appointment to check out a lump in my left breast. He actually classifies it as a "swelling", though there's no inflammation. It's crescent-shape and fills my areola, surrounding one nipple almost 3/4 of the way around and pushing it out of the way. Yikes! There is also some pain, but that's only recently appeared. The bubble itself has been around since July or so.

Anyway he ordered an ultrasound for that (no mammogram, thank god), but I won't get that until September 30th. Then I have to schedule a surgery appointment for sometime after my ultrasound, when they get the results. That last part to me sounds a bit dicey... why schedule an appointment with surgery if it's supposedly "nothing"? Meh.

Then he ordered a round of blood tests, mostly because of this huge-ass bruise on my right leg. He thinks it might be because I took a naproxen for a migraine and then clocked myself on some random piece of furniture, though the ONLY place I remember hitting my leg on is the coffee table and that was last week! Why would the bruise (and this is fresh) only decide to show up now? So he wants to check my clotting factors and make sure that I am not free-bleeding, and also my cholesterol, blood sugar, etc. Which means that I am sitting here at 2am, starving to death because I'm on a fast so they can suck my blood tomorrow morning. Vampires.

My blood pressure keeps recording on the machines as being sky-high (we are talking like 154/97), but when they take it with the cuff and the stethescope, it's down! 120/84 and such. This has happened both times I've been to this doctor, and it annoys me. My blood pressure is never that high. So he's asked me to have my old doc fwd the numbers of my last 10 blood pressures (which I *know* are all in the 118/120 and 78/82 range). He says sometimes the machine has a hard time reading small veins, which to me says my arms are too fat to give an accurate reading. ;) Anyway I have an appointment in six months for blood pressure consult-- hopefully by then I will have lost enough weight to be in the 100s and it won't be so much of an issue.

Doc is very pleased that I go to Curves and had nothing but praise for it. That at least made me feel good!

Then we came home, and J slept a little before going to class. I made dinner when he got home-- those yummy heroin wings from HoldTheToast-- but then my LEGS were all swollen! Specifically, my knee area. But J is an athletic type, and he says that can happen from the leg-press and squat machines. It didn't hurt, it just had a lot of fluid build up. So he had me lay down with my legs elevated and it did wonders. But he says I will have to do that quite often until I get used to the machines!

Oh and all day long I had an AWFUL stomach ache. I had eaten some bagged broccoli and cauliflower as a snack earlier, and I'm wondering if it was contaminated with something? So I am tossing that bag out, yuck. It was the only thing I'd eaten and really the only thing that could have caused the awful stomach cramping and diarrhea I had. Anyway because of that, at dinner time I really didn't want to eat anything, so I had two drummettes and a scoop of cottage cheese, water, and probably 1/4 of a cantaloupe. Then I napped with Jay before he went to work, woke up at midnight when he left, and realized I was starving but couldn't eat anything because I have bloodwork tomorrow! ARGH!

So that was my day. How was yours??

dust dreams