Killing time...
August 20, 2004 1:46 am

Dinner tonight: chicken salad with lettuce wrapped in sundried tomato tortilla, and the turkey-lettuce wraps from the Curves Members Guide (if any of you have it). Mmmm. I also made macaroni salad that we didn't touch (too stuffed!) and there is some veggie sushi that we will have for lunch today.

The turkey-lettuce wraps are VERY good. It's a large leaf of butter lettuce (though I used Boston), spread thinly with whipped cream cheese, and then sprinkled with sunflower kernels and diced cucumber. Press a slice of deli turkey on top and roll up, and you have a VERY nice dinner with no carbs, very little fat, and a nice charge of protein. Jay liked them muchly and so did I. They were also very easy to make.

My period has started, ugh. On one hand it's nice, because it means I'm not pregnant. :) On the other hand, it screws with my weigh-in, which is supposed to be Saturday morning. As it stands right now, on Saturday morning I will be bloated and grumbling at Aunt Flo when I hop on the scale. Rawr! It's very upsetting.

I'm at work with Jay again. Yesterday I didn't go in, since I woke up with a migraine and it stuck around all day. His coworkers here are teasing me and asking if Thursdays are my days off, or will it change weekly? hehe. They are all really nice here, and tonight we are getting a little extra ribbing since we're wearing our bride & groom t-shirts.

I've been up since 11am, it's 2am now, and I won't be going home till 8am. That's 20 hours. Oy vey.... I have six hours to kill. I wonder what I should do?

Oh, and has anyone been watching the Olympics? Jay and I only get basic NBC, so mostly we've been watching gymnastics and swimming... but that stick-woman from Russia was hideous. Isn't anyone frightened for her? There is being thin, and then there is being emaciated. All I heard from the commentators though was how successful she was as a model (!!!) and actress as well as a gymnast, and while they talked about her low energy level and her tiredness between rotations, no one mentioned that it MIGHT be from malnutrition. Is it just acceptable now to be that way?

dust dreams