January 23, 2004 12:41 pm

I am sitting here pretending to do homework (HA!) and dreading the fact that next week is weigh-and-measure week and I have only been to the gym twice this week because my schedule sucks monkey balls and I have been eating heavy meals because the weather has gotten really cold and I don't know if I want to see the numbers on the scale or not!


I also want to brag that even though I weigh 96lbs more than my skinny-minny mother, she has a 32 inch waist and mine is 37. HA!

My birthday is tomorrow. Do a dance, sing a song! I'm going to have a cinnamon swirl cake with cream cheese frosting tonight, and we are going out to Ruby Tuesday's for dinner. I also get all my presents tonight, and a phonecall from my favoritest person in the world tomorrow!

(This person who is calling me? I have been in love with him for 10 years. Seriously. Head over heels. But there are Issues That Must Be Addressed, like distance, and his stubborness. But still, a phonecall from him on my birthday? It's like gold, baby!)

Two hours until work. Maybe I can force my kids into singing Happy Birthday to me, heh.

dust dreams