Babies to the left, babies to the right
January 14, 2004 1:21 pm

I had a dream last night that I was pregnant, about five months along. I was happy and content about it, and even a little scared because I'm not married and still in school. But then all of a sudden I realized I was five months along and I hadn't felt the baby move at all, and I flipped out.

What a nightmare. I attribute it all to reading maiarayne's diary and talking with my pregnant coworker, Jazzy.

I haven't been to the gym yet this month. I feel kind of terrible about it, but I've been sick. And also incredibly busy... by the time I get home at night, all I have the energy to do is crawl into bed. I've still lost weight though, about 10 lbs according to the evil-bad bathroom scale. I'd just like to see it verified.

Anyway I have to run, time to go to work. Today is also the day that Jazzy finds out the gender of her baby, hurrah! I hope it's a girl.

dust dreams