Happy New Year!
January 02, 2004 2:40 pm

January 2nd and I'm already crapping out on my promise to write every day- but I have an excuse. :) Until a few hours ago I was out of town and away from computer access.

Yes, I went away for New Year's Eve. I went to Disney World and saw Gary Sinise read the story of Christmas from the bible. I was about 100ft away from him, are you jealous?! He's so handsome in person, and the whole experience was incredible. He teared up during the Hallelujah chorus, dear man. And he had this expression on his face like, "Cool. This is damn cool," the whole time. Hee.

And just in case any of you are wondering, WDW at New Year's is a fricking nightmare. Don't do it, seriously. There had to be at least a million people crammed into Epcot that night, and I'm not exaggerating a whit. Wall-to-wall people, literally. We sat for three and a half hours to get mediocre seats for fireworks.

Oh, and the fireworks were amazing. Ten solid minutes at midnight of fireworks going off about 10 per second... you do the math. Just... wow. But not enough to make up for the crowds, nope.

I also spent my entire vacation sick, thanks to my picking up some bug at work just before I left. It started off with a dry tickle in my chest, and then it turned into a hacking, phlegmy cough that was extremely painful and draining. That was followed by fatigue, dizziness, and fever. And now everything has moved into my sinuses as of last night. I started sneezing frequently around 11pm last night and woke up this morning at 3am with a runny/stuffy nose combo and a sinus headache bad enough to sideline a rhino.

Oh, and I also had PMS. Including the bloat from Hell, which meant I couldn't wear my fantabulous New Year's outfit and had to settle for stretch jeans and a sweater. *sigh*

Uhm... something positive... er. Nothing, really. But I'm writing in here, which is part one of my New Year's Resolution to journal every day and drink my 64 oz of water. And since part one is fulfilled, I'm also going to get up, right now, and get my first of eight glasses of water.

I predict this year to be one of many great changes in my life.

dust dreams