No scale for a month!
October 06, 2003 1:07 pm

I'm bored with weighing myself. No, really... I am. Holly isn't going to weigh herself for a month. At first I thought I couldn't do it because I'm supposed to be keeping track of my weight for medical reasons, but I've decided to do it anyway. Hah!

Of course, it won't be a month, it'll be three weeks, since I already weighed myself on the 4th. But I am going to take a vacation from the scale. I already only measure myself once a month, it will be easy to ignore the scale for that long... right?


Healthy eating, Curves 4x a week, and no scale till the 26th. My goal is 238 by 10/28/03 (a six pound loss in 4 wks.) This will be easy.

I think.

dust dreams