September 14, 2003 11:39 am

I remember now why I hate going anywhere with my mother. Her philosophy is "If you're fat, cover it up."

I wore a sweet little sleeveless dress today, one that I bought out shopping with her three months ago (it was too small then; I bought it anyway). Instead of remarking on how the dress FITS me now, my mother rolled her eyes and undid the tie in the back of the dress, saying that she was "fixing" it because I had it tied "much too tight."

Very annoyed, I pulled away and told her that I hated it when she did that. "You've been doing this for years, Mom," I snapped. "I don't want to look like I'm wearing a box. I have a waist and I want to show it off!"

She became very snooty, but let it go. I shouldn't let it get to me, but dammit, she HAS been doing things like that all my life. "Hide it, cover it up." She bought me a 3X MEN'S t-shirt the other day. Hello, my biggest size was a 2X women's, and I'm now in a 1X anyway. A three-x men's is like a 4X for women's sizes.

It just drives me nuts.

dust dreams