More sinning... tsk.
August 07, 2003 10:38 am

Forgive me oh Dieting Gods, for I have sinned. Again. ;) But this time it wasn't food. Nay, this time I threw myself upon the Altar before it was my time. And it was Good.

*cough* So yeah, I weighed myself on Wednesday even though I should have waited till Friday. But I just wanted to SEE! On Monday when I weighed myself (since I missed on Friday) it said I was 255. And on Wednesday, 254.5! Of course, this is all fully clothed, and when I was doing my weighing at home I was completely naked. (The scale at home says I weigh 253 naked, but 256 with a t-shirt and undies on. Go figure??)

Must... drink... more... water. I'm not doing my 64 oz every day.

And thank-you everyone for the comments on my last entry. :)

dust dreams