Healthy Garlic Bread
July 27, 2003 6:07 am

Healthy Garlic Bread
- bread suitable for garlic bread
- olive oil
- garlic powder
- oregano
- salt

Drizzle 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil onto bread; rub. Squeeze the bread slightly to eliminate excess oil. Sprinkle garlic powder on bread to taste; garnish with oregano. Finish with a dash of salt. Broil on high for 1 minute, or until crispy.

Why is this "healthy" garlic bread? The number one reason: because olive oil is used in place of butter. Olive oil contains more fat than butter, but it's "liquid" fat that burns easier and is used for energy by the body rather than storage. You can make this even healthier by 1) limiting your portion, and 2) choosing a low-fat bread.

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