A year of good things!
January 08, 2005 7:42 pm

The last line in my first entry for 2004 read, "I predict this will be a year of great change." At the time I thought I was just talking about my weight, but wow! How right those words turned out to be.

In 2004 I met, dated, and married the love of my life. I moved from Smalltown USA to one of the largest cities in the southeast: Atlanta. I quit my job in childcare and started working for the University system. I completely changed my course in life, school, and career... and I couldn't be happier. Even if it means I had to stop going to the gym for awhile and therefore gained back more than 20 lbs. ;)

I'm not bothered by it, really. I guess that should worry me, that I'm not bothered, but then I was never really into this for a quick fix. I knew it would take time, and I'm willing to stick with it as long as necessary.

I think my biggest block, besides not going to Curves, is that I've got this weird "I must feed my husband lots of food" complex that I'm sure is the result of brainwashing from TV. And because I stuff him until he's ready to pop, I feel okay about stuffing myself... is this some kind of backwards self-gratification thing? I'm a good wife, therefore I get to eat more? Whatever it is, it needs to stop.

The Curves thing is really my own fault. I thought I would like the gym nearby, but it's really very unlikeable. The trainers either sit on their ass or slouch grumpily in the middle of the circle, and neither of them talk with anybody working out. Or, they talk exclusively with one person and ignore everyone else. They insisted on a "goal date", even though I tried telling them that dates mean little to me (see reference above to being in this for the long haul, not a quick fix). They let people use the machines completely wrong even though by doing so they (the women working out) are doing themselves injuries. For that matter, the women who work out there are so completely different from me: I show up in a t-shirt and exercise pants and sneakers, they show up in heels and designer jeans and shimmery tops (for real). It's in a snooty part of Atlanta, and you can totally tell the women there have MONEY. I'm sure they think I'm the token Welfare Wife of the gym.

But, I'm fixing that, too: J's basing our apartment search around Curves locations. No matter where we move there will be a Curves nearby, because he's only looking at apartment complexes in areas that have Curves. I'm going to shop around and find one I like, and then start going in the mornings after I get off from work.

It'll be good. I predict 2005 will be a year of great joy.

Oh, and one other thing: the reason you might not see me around so much is that J and I have decided to cancel Internet at home. It's hugely expensive ($80 a month), and we're online for eight and a half hours a day at work, anyway. It's just hard for me to find time to sit down at work and write an update, but I do still read diaries. I will try harder, though, I promise!

dust dreams