woo, optimism
June 03, 2005 1:36 am

Thank you Missy for the note! I was beginning to think my guestbook was dead. ;) All I can say is that I'm not really at a plateau, because I haven't been exercising. I learned a LONG time ago that I can't lose weight without exercising, and since I haven't been going to the gym, no weightloss for me. :) But I'm back on track now.

Jay and I went to the gym today about 6pm -- we had some trouble earlier sleeping because a neighbor crashed her car and screwed up her alarm system, so that it went off for 10 minutes at a time, with only a few seconds in between bouts. SO ANNOYING!!! It did that for FIVE HOURS.

For you diurnals to see why it was so irritating: imagine getting woken up by a car alarm going off at 1am for 10 minutes, shutting off for five seconds, and then going off again... until 6am. UGH! We squeezed in as much sleep as we could, then got up and went to the gym.

I did 15 minutes on the treadmill, between 2.8mph and 3.5mph with variable elevations, but I had to stop after that 15 minutes because my leg that I twisted while camping went completely numb. :( But I'm going back tomorrow-- I'll work out that cramp yet!

dust dreams